Children’s Eye Exams in Johnston

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Helping Your Children See Clearly

The world is bursting with color and detail, and we want to help your child experience it with clear vision. At Lifetime Vision, we know healthy eyes are crucial for a lifetime of learning and fun adventures.

Early detection of vision problems is key when it comes to your children. Conditions like nearsightedness can be addressed with glasses and contacts, but they can also be addressed with treatments for slowing progression and preserving future eye health when they’re caught early.

These conditions can cause struggles with reading, focusing on tasks, and participating fully in activities. Contact us to schedule your appointment today so we can help your children open the door to a lifetime of learning and exploration.

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Getting Eye Exams Early

Healthy eyes support children’s success in school by helping them see the board clearly and grasp new concepts. With clear vision, they can fully explore their surroundings and take in the world around them.

Our team sees children as young as 3 years old and sometimes younger. Our doctors have different ways to assess kids’ vision and check that their eyes are developing properly, even before they can read an eye chart.

What to Expect at Your Child’s Eye Exam

We know a trip to the doctor’s office can sometimes feel intimidating. That’s why we try to make eye exams fun and friendly for kids of all ages. Our experienced eye doctors will use age-appropriate tests to assess your child’s vision, turning it into an engaging experience.

During children’s eye exams, we follow these principles:

  • Vision Tests Made for Kids: We implement eye charts and bring in pictures and engaging games that measure visual acuity (sharpness) in a way that’s helpful for your child.
  • Teaming Up for Success: Through interactive games and activities, our doctors will check eye teaming and focusing abilities. These skills are essential for reading, playing sports, and navigating the world seamlessly.
  • Comfort Is Key: We prioritize your child’s comfort throughout the entire appointment and strive to help them see comfortably after they leave. Good vision helps kids avoid headaches, squinting, and eye strain, helping them stay ready to learn without frustration or discomfort.

Healthy Vision Can Unlock a World of Learning

Issues with sight can impact kids’ daily lives and lead to issues at school. Some eye conditions can make it challenging for your children to read from a distance, see the board, and participate in sports and other activities.

This can lead to stress and confusion, and if left undiagnosed, it may cause them to fall behind their friends.

Clear vision isn’t just about seeing the classroom whiteboard—it’s about absorbing information from books, following demonstrations, and participating actively in class discussions. With healthy vision, your child can approach learning with clarity, soaking up new knowledge like a sponge.

Schedule Your Child’s Eye Exam Today

Regular eye exams are an important part of supporting your child’s health and helping them thrive. Contact Lifetime Vision today to schedule an appointment for your little one and get started on protecting their long-term vision.

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Visit Our Location

You can find us on Merle Hay Road, in the Johnston Station business center. There’s plenty of parking available outside our clinic. No eye exams on Fridays, only optical services available.

Our Address

  • 5525 Merle Hay Rd, Suite 155
  • Johnston, IA 50131

Contact Information

Hours of Operation

  • Monday: 9:00 AM 5:00 PM
  • Tuesday: 9:00 AM 6:00 PM
  • Wednesday: 9:00 AM 5:00 PM
  • Thursday: 9:00 AM 5:00 PM
  • Friday: 9:00 AM 1:00 PM
  • Saturday: Closed
  • Sunday: Closed
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